Time is the real currency for a richer retirement

Many people reach a stage in their lives when they prefer to maintain the status quo, limit their financial risks and shy away from change. Hebden Consulting advise their clients to make time and plan ahead for the most rewarding retirement possible.

It is common to be caught up in the race for life and sometimes it can take a crisis to step back and re-visit what your priorities are. Covid-19 has affected us all and, in some ways, forced us to re-assess our current work/life balance. The impact of the pandemic has led to shifting habits, accelerated online usage and a ‘work from home’ normality. It has also fuelled change in people’s attitudes towards health, happiness and finances. Hebden Consulting have always kept pace with current trends, staying on track with financial markets and on the outcome Covid might have on people’s long-term plans.

Timing is everything

We believe timing is everything when it comes to planning a retirement which yields clients a realistic and maximum fund value. It is a prime time to ask for advice if you want to protect your pension pots, assets and investment portfolios from unnecessary taxes, risks and unchartered regulations. Wherever you’re based, or intend to see out your retirement, our professional wealth planners are an authority on risk-averse strategies which reap positive results for our trusted clients around the world.

Cashing in on hindsight
As you grow older, the years pick up speed. In the second half of your life everything moves faster and, all of a sudden, you are retired. Time is your most precious currency and we don’t want you to regret the decisions you ‘could’ or ‘should’ have made. Assess where you are now and where you want to be in the future; ask yourself the following questions: 

  • If you could live your life again, what would you do differently?

  • Do you wish you had been more courageous and taken greater risks?

  • Can you pinpoint what makes you feel genuinely fulfilled and happy today?

Hebden Consulting encourage clients to keep these points in mind. Instead of looking back with the benefit of hindsight, examine the bigger picture and work out what you really want from life. Don’t measure success externally (i.e. how big your house is or what job you have), because how happy you feel on the inside is far more important. Ensure that the success you seek will actually lead to lasting fulfilment.

Hebden Consulting help clients plan their future retirement wherever they live, navigating the complexities of financial management in today’s ever-changing environment. And, as the world recovers and adapts to the impact of Covid, we have access to valuable tools and technology coupled with comprehensive market knowledge to plan for different ages, scenarios and stages of people’s lives.

Patient and personal touch

Hebden Consulting take time to talk and understand our client’s personal circumstances in face-to-face meetings, tailoring plans to each individual. We take a considered approach, adjusting strategies to suit people’s unique requirements. Whether you’ve just moved overseas or are returning home, we work alongside you to achieve your long-term goals and a healthy retirement.

Contact us today at info@hebdenconsulting.com to choose the right financial planner for your circumstances.

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Andrew Heron