Preparing for the future is essential. Learn why making a will, setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney, and organising financial records can ease the burden on loved ones. Plus, discover the importance of reconnecting with those who matter most.
Learn the surprising truth about how active fund managers handle their personal investments. Despite publicly promoting active management, many admit to preferring passive investing for their own portfolios. Professor Crawford Spence delves into the growing pressure from passive funds and its implications for the investment world.
Discover why not having a financial adviser can be a major risk. Behavioral finance expert Philip Courtenay explains the emotional and practical benefits of trusted advice, from reducing anxiety to making informed financial decisions. Learn how to choose the right adviser for your goals.
Explore how financial planning connects to life planning in this insightful video. Learn why true financial well-being supports overall life well-being, and how clarifying your values is key to crafting a meaningful and intentional life. Whether it’s family, work, or personal growth, discover practical ways to align your financial goals with what truly matters.
Learn how best to balance spending today with security tomorrow. Financial wellness expert Chris Budd shares not only why making choices for our future can be so tough but also some very practical ways of getting in touch with your future self—the key to making wiser choices without sacrificing joy today.
Discover why we tend to favor immediate rewards over long-term benefits and how this impacts our financial future. Psychologist Nuala Walsh and Robin Powell explore the concept of "temporal discounting" and share practical strategies to help you plan for a secure retirement while still enjoying the present.
Human beings have always used narratives to help us make sense of a complex and uncertain world. The stories we tell each other can be very influential, especially when they stir our emotions. A 2023 study, for example, showed how narratives make investors act irrationally during a market crisis.
There are very few certainties with investing. But there is, thankfully, one controlling principle that is incontrovertible. Journalist Norma Cohen calls it the iron law of compound interest.
Fund management companies often emphasize their historical performance to attract investors. However, Ed Moisson, an industry expert from the Financial Times Group, sheds light on a more nuanced perspective.
A fundamental concept investors need to understand is the wisdom of the crowd. Every day, millions of investors around the world place millions of trades, each time expressing an opinion as to how much a particular stock is worth.
There’s no getting round it: all investing involves risk, and equity investing in particular. But is investment risk really something to be frightened of?
Understanding your emotions when it comes to your investment is a vital element to financial success in the long term.
You'll often hear people say they don't invest in equities because their home is their pension. Some people buy more than one house and rent them out.
It's well documented that, all over the world, levels of financial literacy need improving. The good news is that, by investing a modest amount of time in researching this subject, you can improve your finances substantially.
Just as you need to trust your doctor, you also need to trust your financial adviser. Financial author and consultant Herman Brodie is an expert in adviser-client relationships.
Moving from full-time employment to retirement is a huge transition. You need to start thinking about it long before you plan to retire.
The number 1 lesson from market history RP: It's often assumed that to be a successful investor, you need to be an expert in economics.