Why it Pays to Consult a Financial Planner

There are huge benefits to be reaped from consulting a professional financial planner. With Hebden Consultancy’s unique personal approach, clients are able to resolve complex issues and create comprehensive long-term plans with confidence and ongoing support.

Whether you’re currently working for a UK employer, contemplating a career abroad or repatriating after a spell overseas, we provide a bespoke planning service tailored to all our clients. Combining market knowledge and experience, our expert planners offer a multitude of short and long-term financial benefits, such as:

·       Face-to-face meetings and trustworthy ongoing support.

·       Recognising the best tools, market technology and on-trend products.

·       Identifying and overcoming common financial mistakes.

·       Avoiding risks and resolving issues.

·       Visualising long-term success with proven strategies.

·       Setting priorities and demonstrating timely decision-making.

·       Complying to regulations, guidelines, laws and structures in the UK and overseas domains.

·       Achieving attainable goals.

·       Preserving and protecting wealth for all our clients’ futures.

Troubleshooting and taking control

Many people find it difficult to recognise and reconcile their financial problems because they simply don’t know where to start or what to prioritise. Others admit to feeling confused or making time to fully understand complex issues and current market trends. For clients who don’t know their options, our skilled financial planners will present a roadmap of different options, allowing you to regain control and make the right choices. You could be making better decisions if you were offered a range of financial planning possibilities or shown models of how your portfolio will look now and in the future.

 Face-to-face meetings and market research

Many clients need to talk through their objectives and establish their own priorities in order to decide which are the most important. People aren’t fully aware of their financial options and really benefit from meeting Hebden Consulting face-to-face to discuss their requirements with an independent, knowledgeable and reliable third-party. We pride ourselves on providing the right answers, researching the market for the best options and offering our professional view.

We appreciate there are huge rewards to be gained by prioritising your financial plan. People who are time poor and cash rich don’t often have the impetus to put together a financial plan even if they have some of the skills. With the sheer volume of information, tools and smart technology now available, we realise the importance of researching the global finance market, pinpointing the best products and providers to benefit our growing base of international and UK clients. With years of combined experience as a renowned financial planning firm, Hebden Consulting tap into every resource with our clients’ needs in mind.

Our financial planners will help you understand your personal approach to financial risk and find solutions that fit best with both your personal circumstances and individual risk profiles.

Avoiding common mistakes

Our financial planners help clients identify and avoid common mistakes or avert high-risk habits. With an interest in (and experience of) behavioural finance, our experts understand how most mistakes are predictable and hardwired into us. When it comes to finances, people are mostly prone to:

·       Procrastinate about planning their finances and put off implementing robust solutions.

·       Spend too much of their income, over-borrow on credit cards (amassing debt) and don’t budget.

·       Delay planning for retirement or save money for other reasons.

·       Overvalue the importance of immediate income and undervalue/ignore their future income needs.

·       Choose investments that are ‘too good to be true’.

·       Make emotional rather than rational decisions.

·       Take on too much/too little risk.

Planning for your peace of mind

Our financial planners will help you achieve reasonable and realistic rates of return on investments without undue levels of risk. Consulting one of our financial planners allows you to visualise a long-term strategy and, over time, build a wealth of real benefits, affording you the peace of mind for a secure financial future.

Book your free Hebden Consulting portfolio review today by emailing info@hebdenconsulting.com.

The information is provided in good faith without any warranty and is intended for informational purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice, recommendation, or an offer of any services or products for sale and is not intended to provide a sufficient basis on which to make an investment decision. For further details see our Regulatory Statement.

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Andrew Heron